The investigation of biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorous from domestic wastewater by inserting anaerobic/anoxic holding tank in the return sludge line of MLE-OSA modified system

J Environ Health Sci Eng. 2020 Jan 16;18(1):1-10. doi: 10.1007/s40201-019-00419-1. eCollection 2020 Jun.


In this study, the biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorous (BNR) was investigated by applying modified MLE-OSA technique. To conduct this study, three pilot plants scale were designed and established: 1) MLE similar to the current method used in Sari Wastewater Treatment Plant as control reactor 2) MLE-OSA4 with 4-h hydrolic retention time in sludge holding tank 3) MLE-OSA6 with 6-h hydrolic retention time in sludge holding tank. In this modified process for combining OSA technique with MLE system, two anaerobic/anoxic tanks were installed in the return sludge line with capacities of 70 and 107 l for MLE-OSA4 and MLE-OSA6, respectively. To set up the process, outlet sewage of the primary settlement tank of Sari Wastewater Treatment Plant was used. After a period of 45-60 days and reaching the steady state, the reactors were operated and the main, controllable parameters and laboratory experiments such as DO, ORP, Temperature, pH, COD, BOD5, MLSS, and nutrients (N&P) were precisely analyzed according to standard methods for examination of water and wastewater. The results showed that utilizing MLE-OSA system with 4 and 6 h hydraulic retention times decreased the ORP by around 109 ± 9 to 160 ± 25 mv and increased sludge retention time from 29 to 33 days. Moreover the percentages of phosphorus removal efficiency in MLE, MLE-OSA4 and MLE-OSA6 processes were 31 ± 5.2, 36.8 ± 1.9, and 39.4 ± 1.9 and the percentages of total nitrogen removal efficiency were 67.2 ± 7.6, 75.6 ± 4.8, and 78.5 ± 2.2 respectively. This study revealed that the modified MLE-OSA is more efficient than MLE for P and N removal. Hence it can replace this process.

Keywords: Biological nutrient removal; Domestic wastewater; MLE-OSA; Nitrogen; Phosphorous; Sludge holding tank.