Urban-rural differences in amitriptyline use among nursing facility residents

J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2002 Jan-Feb;3(1):5-11.


Objective: To characterize patterns of amitriptyline use across the urban-rural continuum.

Design: Retrospective analysis of antidepressant drug codes and demographic and clinical data from the Minimum Data Set (MDS), 1994 to 1997.

Setting: Kansas nursing facilities.

Participants: Facility residents aged 65 and older.

Measures: A four-strata system was used to classify nursing facility location by county, from urban to frontier. We examined admission use and after-admission use of amitriptyline across strata for each year separately. Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios were determined for each stratum, using the urban stratum as the point of reference.

Results: Admission use of amitriptyline occurred in 2.3 to 4% of all admissions, and although such use was highest in the most rural stratum, no clear urban-rural gradient was found. In contrast, amitriptyline use 30 days or more after admission demonstrated modest urban-rural gradients in unadjusted and adjusted analyses. In 1997, when adjusted for demographic factors, odds ratios for amitriptyline use were 2.10 (1.54-2.87), 1.68 (1.33-2.13), and 1.49 (1.17-1.90) for the Frontier, Rural, and Densely Settled Rural categories as compared with the Urban reference group.

Conclusions: After admission to Kansas nursing facilities, rural practice patterns for amitriptyline use are less favorable than those in urban areas, and an urban-rural gradient is identified. Further work is needed to identify explanatory patient, facility, and prescriber factors.