Ciguatera Toxicity

In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan.


Ciguatera toxicity is a food-borne illness caused by eating fish contaminated with ciguatoxin. This toxin is a potent neurotoxin, and dinoflagellates, such as Gambierdiscus toxicus, produce it. They adhere to algae, coral, and seaweed, where herbivorous fish eat them. Larger carnivorous fish will suffer a toxin build-up from consuming these herbivores. Ciguatera poisoning is endemic to tropical and subtropical regions, mainly in the South Pacific and Caribbean. However, it can be found anywhere fish is consumed. It affects other parts of the world where it is not indigenous through the import of contaminated fish. The fishes that most commonly cause ciguatera toxicity are barracuda, grouper, moray eel, amberjack, sea bass, sturgeon, parrotfish, surgeonfish, and red snapper.

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