The market landscape of online second opinion services for spine surgery

Surg Neurol Int. 2020 Oct 29:11:365. doi: 10.25259/SNI_577_2020. eCollection 2020.


Background: The aim of this study was to identify patient interest in second opinion services online and identify the options patients have in obtaining second opinions from spine surgeons in the United States.

Methods: We utilized Google Trends (i.e., search data since 2010) to ascertain the level of interest in receiving second opinions for spinal surgery. In addition, we contacted the top 30 hospitals for neurology and neurosurgery in the U.S. News rankings by phone to obtain information regarding when/how and at what cost they provide second opinions for spine surgery.

Results: The cost of the second surgical opinions averaged $493 (±$343) USD (range $90-$1,300); the time to receive a second opinion averaged 20 (±19) days (range 1 day-5 months). Remote or "online second opinion" programs charged an average of $643 (±$259) USD (range $100-$850), and the time to receive an "online second opinion" averaged 14 (±7) days (range 1-4 weeks).

Conclusion: Although second opinions have been shown to be beneficial to patients, ambiguous or high costs and long wait times may serve as barriers for certain groups (i.e., uninsured or underinsured) and potentially diminish the quality of care.

Keywords: Online second opinion; Second opinion; Spine surgery.