Sleep and Executive Functioning in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors after Critical Care

Children (Basel). 2022 May 19;9(5):748. doi: 10.3390/children9050748.


Over 50,000 children are hospitalized annually for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and face long-term cognitive morbidity. Over 50% develop sleep/wake disturbances (SWDs) that can affect brain development and healing. We hypothesized SWDs would portend worse executive function outcomes in children aged 3−18 years with TBI 1−3 months after hospital discharge. SWDs were defined using the Sleep Disturbances Scale for Children (t-scores ≥ 60). Outcomes included the Global Executive Composite (GEC, t-score) from the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second and Preschool Editions, and multiple objective executive function assessments combined through Principal Components Analysis into a Neurocognitive Index (NCI, z-score). Multiple linear regression evaluated associations between SWDs and executive function outcomes, controlling for covariates. Among 131 children, 68% had clinically significant SWDs, which were associated with significantly worse median scores on the GEC (56 vs. 45) and NCI (−0.02 vs. 0.42; both p < 0.05). When controlling for baseline characteristics and injury severity in multivariable analyses, SWDs were associated with worse GEC (β-coefficient = 7.8; 95% Confidence Interval = 2.5, 13.1), and worse NCI (β-coefficient = −0.4; 95% Confidence Interval = −0.8, −0.04). SWDs in children with TBI are associated with worse executive function outcomes after hospital discharge, and may serve as modifiable targets to improve outcomes.

Keywords: brain injury; critical care; pediatric; sleep.