Validity, Reliability, and Usability of a Smartphone App to Measure Bicycling Location

Findings (Syd). 2022:2022:10.32866/001c.57773. doi: 10.32866/001c.57773. Epub 2022 Dec 29.


This study evaluates concurrent validity, test-retest reliability, and usability of the Strava smartphone app for measuring bicycling locations in urban and rural field tests. Strava location data were inside an 11-meter buffer on average 64% of the time compared to Qstarz' 52%, over 100 evaluations (n participants=73). Most participants agreed or strongly agreed that the Strava app was useful (83%) and that they would prefer to use a smartphone app to track their bicycling (42%). Results indicate that the Strava app is reliable and valid for measuring bicycling locations in these field tests.

Keywords: GPS; Strava; crowdsourced data; cycling; environment; fitness tracking; physical activity.